Different ways of taking advantage of the website maps

The routes presented on this site are built with Ride with GPS (RwGPS), which moreover than planningroutes, allow also to record yourrides when out there. Planning route options allow to add icons, change the route color (which we do here according to the kind of road) et embed those maps on the bikepacking.quebec website with an interesting imagery.

Maps on the overview sections, as much for the Québec Bikepacking Traverse main itinerary than the routes network, are built with My Maps from Google, importing the GPS files created with RwGPS. Some people would be tempted to copy those general maps into their own Google account or download the .kml fil to use it on their device. It is however recommended to download the different routes through RwGPS because:

  1. an smaller itinerary file is easier to load on your device and there will be less tendency to bug;
  2. the routes on RwGPS are frequently improved and the update on the overview map can take longer to be done.

No need to use the RwGPS paying plans to enjoy the functionalities letting you download the routes on your device. Creating a free account in fast and simple with an email and a password.


Using the routes on a GPS

Continue reading “Utiliser les itinéraires sur son GPS et téléphone”

Biking and camping in national parks, wildlife reserves zecs, unoccupied territories... what are the differences?

With a population density of 6 inhabitants per square kilometer, le Québec regorge d’endroits inhabités. En dehors des terrains privés, de vastes pans du territoire sont accessibles pour l’exploration à vélo, entre autres activités de plein air, mais c’est aussi le paradis des pêcheurs et des chasseurs. De plus, on y trouve des activités d’extraction comme l’exploitation forestière et minière. Ce territoire se divise en plusieurs catégories, avec ses protections, droits et restrictions correspondants.

Pour y voir plus clair, voici différents types de territoires sur lesquels un cycliste passera probablement, pour ensuite discuter de certaines situations précises comme le camping, la pêche et les feux de camp. En savoir plus sur la règlementation en vigueur permet ainsi au voyageur d’agir en connaissance de cause lorsque vient temps de prendre certaines décisions lors de son périple de bikepacking.

Continue reading “Bikepacking au Québec : les différents types de territoires”